Wallpaper! What are your thoughts on this? We often have split answers when it comes to wallpaper. Some people absolutely love it but are afraid to use it, while others do not feel like it is their style but still end up using it anyway (and end up loving it). So, what’s the catch?
A little history.

Wallpaper has been in the interior design industry since the beginning of the 16th century, copying the florals and patterns from textiles, making wall coverings quite popular. Chinese wallpaper dating back to the 17th century was considered one of the most luxurious wall coverings ever.
Wallpaper was first made by hand, taking extensive hours and labor to produce. It was made through a process called “Block printing”. This method involved carving a block of wood into a pattern, such as a floral, and adding ink to it, like a stamp to create a repetitive pattern, ALL OF THIS BY HAND. By 1839, Harold Potter of Potter and Ross in Darwen, Lancashire patented a continuous length printing machine hence, the wallpaper printing machine.

Even with history aside, wallpaper has likely been in our own homes since our great grandmother’s day, but that certainly does not mean wallpaper has not evolved. Wallpaper today has amazing and intriguing patterns that literally fit every home and décor aesthetic: modern, traditional, or contemporary, no matter what the style, wallpaper has you covered! (get it?)
Now…about wallpaper in a powder bath.

Having wallpaper in a small space such as a powder bath is not a crazy idea! According to the V&A art, design, and performance museum, it states that “Originating in the 16th century, the earliest wallpapers were used to decorate the insides of cupboards and smaller rooms in merchants’ houses” It was later in the 20th century when people were using it everywhere in their homes. The thing about using it in a smaller space is that it creates a dramatic ambiance when you enter the room, such a surprise!

Wallpaper can be used in any room; however, we often choose a paper pattern and style dictates the best placement. Therefore, we encourage clients that want a wildly bold and dramatic wallpaper, to use it in their powder bath! It will be installed in a space not often used by you. In this space, it will bring a smile to your face and plenty of ooooh’s and ahhhh’s from your guests!

So, do not be afraid, BE FEARLESS! BE BRAVE! Go for that dramatic wallpaper in your powder bath and appreciate the colorful pattern every time you open that door. We often do not live in the present enough and need a little reminder to enjoy the little things! In the words of Van Gogh, “What would life be if we don’t have the courage to attempt anything?”
You will never regret being brave.